shadowsock 节点
It's a project that allows you to send postcards and receive postcards back from random people around the world. That's real postcards, not electronic! Learn more.
shadowsock 节点
- Request an address and a Postcard ID
- Mail a postcard to that address
- Receive a postcard from another postcrosser!
- Register the Postcard ID you have received
- Go to number 1 to receive more postcards!
一站式IP伋理:对于伋业来说,确实是一款得心用手的好软件 使用e变IP伋理软件一年多,无论从产品设计上、IP连接性稳定性、软件功能上都有很好的,操作方便,支持定时切换、快捷键切换等功能,能很好的提高工作效率。
shadowsock 节点
“It's such an easy and cool way to get in touch with people all over the world! I don't have enough money to travel a lot, but writing postcards to people in far away countries is as close as it comes!”
Saskia, Germany
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shadowsock 节点
shadowsock 节点
shadowsock 节点